An article appears with a frowning picture of State Representative Mike Sturla headed "Sturla's nonprofit may be scrutinized by AG." The opening sentences are: "The case of the once-powerful state lawmaker accused of misusing money from a nonprofit he founded is likely to shed light on a small number of similar foundations in Pennsylvania, including one started by Rep. Mike Sturla here. Investigators with the state Attorney General's Office are 'scrutinizing' the nonprofits created by legislators who serve on their boards and get almost all their money from the state, said Kevin Harley, a spokesman for the office."
WATCHDOG: Gee, we figure good old Mike is going to have to do time in the slammer!
But wait: Two thirds down the lengthly articles we discover: "But no one has alleged or even suggested that Sturla or LIVE has done anything wrong. In fact, the nonprofit's IRS filings show the group has funded dozens of projects in the community — playgrounds, book drives, free smoke detectors and the like —with money it received from the state Department of Community and Economic Development."
What a relief! What a con!