Thursday, August 28, 2008


The Aug. 28 "Letters to the Editor" contains one headed "Who's the next keynoter?" and which criticized Ted Kennedy as follows: "This is the same great American who, about 40 years ago, drove off a bridge with a young female passenger in his car, got himself out and left her to drown. He failed to report the accident for eight hours - probably had to sober up."

WATCHDOG: We do not object to the Intell publishing the letter, even though over time subsequent reports have cast doubt about whether Kennedy was at fault as initially reported. What we do abhor is condemning a person for one horrible accident (perhaps he was indeed drunk) that took place four decades ago, thus ignoring all the accomplishments of a lifetime.

Perhaps the author has lived an exemplarily life, never having made a serious mistake. Or is there something in the Lancaster water that so often combines narrow mindedness with mean spirit?