Friday, May 23, 2008

Intelligencer Journal

The May 23rd editorial "Second Chances" asks "...where should society house former sex offenders who have served their time in jail?"

After carefully tip toeing down both sides of the issue of where former sex offenders should be housed, the Intell concludes: "The first order of business must be to protect our children. But there also is a need for a rational dialogue on this matter by residents, organizations and state and municipal officials. To do anything less makes those just released from prison victims of their past and heightens the odds of recidivism."

WATCHDOG: The Intell deserves credit for their responsible reflections on the complex and emotion fraught matter. And we agree that protecting our children does take priority and indeed is the first rule of nature.

So what are the most important things from which we must protect children?

Though not meaning to belittle the seriousness of involving children in premature sexual experiences, we believe far greater and lasting damages results from psychological abuse, assault, reckless driving, criminal neglect, and murder. We need to ask ourselves why we stress dangers that are neither fatal or, in most case, likely to have lasting results, over circumstances that are far more threatening? After objectivity gains control over emotions our emotions surrounding fear and sex, we will be ready to have that "rational dialogue."